
燒烤餞別聚餐---Good Bye Sydney

It's time to say good-bye! My dear friends, 珍重再見!

澳洲有三多: 蒼蠅多、肥人多、毒鬼多。因此所有公共場合都會提供這種黃色針頭丟棄箱,給吸毒者或糖尿病患者試血糖時針頭作廢之用。這是在機場女公廁內拍攝。
Aussie is known to have three plenty: mosquito, overweight people and drug addicts.  Needle boxes are provided in public restroom to collect used needles…
踏上返美的Qantas班機,it's time to go home because there is no place like home!