
攀登雪梨大橋: Harbor Bridge climbing

Harbor Bridge climbing

為了安全考量,攀登大橋時不能帶任何物品,包括相機 (因為有可能會落下而撞到橋上行駛中的車輛)。不過BridgeClimb 的領隊已用數位相機拍下在大橋頂端時喜悅的回憶照片,每人收到一份紀念照片以及成功攀登大橋的證書,可拿給朋友炫燿一下。 No camera or no items are allowed to carry in the climbing tour.Photos are taken by the guides and must be purchased.
BridgeClimb 攀登雪梨大橋的活動全程大約三個半小時,集合購票處位於雪梨市中心,位置是 5 Cumberland Street, The Rocks。每次滿十二人,就會開始攀登的活動。
參加者必須是十二歲以上 (十二到十六歲之間必須有成人陪伴) 以及良好的健康狀態才能參與這項活動。除了發生暴風雷雨以外,任何天氣都可出發。
This is a 31/2 hour guided journey overlooking the magnificent harbour city of Sydney. We’re enjoy uninterrupted views as we climb the outer arch of the Bridge all the way to the summit. With our arrival at the summit, the 360-degree views of the city, the Opera House and beyond are unforgettable.

·  Our trained Climb Leaders took us on a guided journey to the summit of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

·we were suit up in specially designed BridgeSuit and outdoor adventure wear to ensure The Climb of our Life in all weather conditions.
·  Personal lockers allow us to leave cameras and valuables safely behind.
·  We were provided with either a latch or slider attached to a static line on the Bridge, for the duration of the Climb, ensuring we feel safe, secure and comfortable at all times.
·  On the Climb we need to wear enclosed rubber-soled shoes such as running, sport or hiking shoes, which offer comfort, support and grip.

·  The Climb is open to Climbers 10 years of age and over. Children aged 10 – 15 years must be accompanied by an adult (One adult for every three children).
·  Every Climber will need to pass an alcohol breath test not exceeding the 0.05 limit.
·  We were presented with a commemorative, personalised Climber Certificate and a complimentary group photograph after our Climb.

這日早上,我們搭黃色計程車去到購票處位於雪梨市中心集合地點。計程車司機剛好是越南老鄉,他好意給我們力薦「安」和粉的好吃。突然想起在大堡礁時那位「掉了大門牙」的老導遊也曾說過「到了雪梨不吃「安」和粉是一種遺憾」。所以我們決定當日傍晚就去品嚐美食。Morning visit to Vietnam town and enjoyed a bowl of Sydney PHO-AN.