
雪梨第一天自由活動-----Sydney 1st day

10月19日,飛機於早上7:30分抵達。各人順利通關及領取行李後,南、北加州隊伍於雪梨機場會合,代表雪梨的吳建立及黃樹坤機場相迎。全團由包車接往下榻City Gate酒店。
San Francisco group arrived at 7:30AM and Los Angeles friends landed a half hour later.  Lap Ngo and Huynh Tho Khon met the two groups at Sydney airport.  All embarked a rental bus heading City Gate hotel

On the first day of arrival, there wasn’t guided tour service provided by the travel agency since the local tour would start on the second day.  Local friend Ronald Cheng and wife Sarah led us sightseeing the city on foot; we all enjoyed Malaysian food for lunch at the food court in a shopping mall afterward.

good friend Truong Tuyet Phuong, a licensed Chinese medicine doctor, at her clinic in downtown Sydney.  Haven’t  seen each other for more than three decades, we were so delighted to chat and enjoy her “leung cha” she retrieved from the cooler to dissolve any “virus” we carried over from the U.S.

晚上由吳建立夫婦作東,在「達令」港口一家著名的法國餐廳"Little Snail"包下整個二樓,宴請加州來和本地的全部同學共同聚餐。十分熱鬧。法式料理---當然少不了紅酒和「蝸牛」及其他都很捧除了那道不敢恭惟的「袋鼠肉」之外。
At night Lap Ngo couple treated the U.S friends and some MV locals a fancy meal at a splendid French restaurant, named “Little Snail.”  We had a good time and enjoyed a fantastic dinner, further enlightened with find wine.  The atmosphere was incredibly pleasant and joyous.