
雪梨大橋和蚌型歌劇院 Sydney

10月20日一大清早當地的導遊來接團前往第一站---雪梨著名的「蚌型歌劇院」及雪梨大橋。來到了澳洲 雪梨大橋和雪梨歌劇院絕對是一個 MUST VISIT scenery SPOT
Oct/20, we were led by our tour guide to visit the first stop at Sydney’s Opera-House, followed by the Harbor Bridge, both are tourists’ must visit spots.


這「歌劇院」真是美侖美奐,大家照了很多相片。We took a lot of pictures at this beautiful Opera-House surrounding.

At Sydney’s aquarium, the local tour guide led us to see the half-fish half-beast weird creature that attracts tourists from all over the world. Did you see it?