因為越裔人口不少,墨爾本一共有四個越南城。10月24日早上大家到其中一個越南城去吃河粉。高妹冼艷影及時找到會合點,還有許寰之、潔菁夫婦、吳立美姊妹也加入與大家一起作一日遊。一路上翠群吹口琴、Cindy玩魔術、Sean的半鹹不黄的幽默笑話以及碧雲錄三分鐘介紹影像,都誏長途車程歡笑聲不停!There are four Vietnam towns in Melbourne, thanks to the good size of Vietnamese population. On the morning of Oct/24, the group went to have PHO in one of the VN towns, joined by “tall girl” Tien Diem Anh, Kiet-Ching couple, Ngo lap My sisters for the one-day tour. On the bus travel, the whole group cheered, laughed and talked while翠群played harmonica, Cindy demonstrated the magic tricks, Sean told some jokes, and Van busy recording three-minute video. We all had a good time.
車子終於抵達一處養鱒魚村莊。大家都要學釣魚。一位穿著像漁伕的主人教我們如何用使玉米去釣鱒魚(很環保)。池塘裡養了好多魚。沒多久,每個人好像都是釣魚高手,無論大魚、小魚,個個都有收獲,皆大歡喜。At a fishing village, we were taught how to fish in the man-made pond where the owner kept many fish for his patrons to have fun fishing. Even the inexperienced, first time fishing in life, could catch at least one fish, large or small.
We all put in great efforts trying to catch a fish.
Afterward we went in the dinning lounge to eat the fish we caught from the pond. The owner demonstrated how to strip fish bone and head in front of his patrons one by one. The fish tasted quite good.
Afterward we went in the dinning lounge to eat the fish we caught from the pond. The owner demonstrated how to strip fish bone and head in front of his patrons one by one. The fish tasted quite good.