
大堡礁---海底機車漫遊: Cairns---Great Barrier Reef 1 of 2

昆士蘭州海岸線兩千三百公里長, 据說大堡礁的珊瑚礁還是活生生的有機體, 由此可見大堡礁的珍貴了。它的海底世界奇觀可說是色彩繽紛.The Great Barrier Reef was named one of the eight world heritages in 1981.  The underwater world there is just awesome.
我們從Cairns碼頭上船,大約一小時先抵達「綠島」,卸下一些遊客再繼續出海。途中碧雲、美桂、班長、良光及Cindy參加即席潛水課程講解。一小時後抵達海上一個平台浮停塢。遊船靠近平台、深信這裡便是大海的最深、最清澈(無污染)的一處。於是五條蛟龍換上了潛水衣,一個個排隊鑽進機車型的太空艙內,和色彩繽紛的海底世界做一個近距離的接觸。We embarked a boat at Cairns harbor. An hour boat cruise took us to Green Island, then another hour to the Reef. Van, Mindy, Vince, Jason and Cindy were five brave divers, wearing wetsuit, and rode individual underwater motor vehicle to adventure the ocean world with all sorts of colorful fish within arm-reach.