早上搭機前往Cairns,抵達後由當地一位資深老廣導遊接走直接出發到古蘭度原住民村享受熱帶雨林風情的BBQ 自助燒烤午飯及觀看代表土族人萬年文化的舞踏表演, 並親自嘗試土族人回力鏢及樂器表演。
Arriving at Cairns , we visited Kuranda village and enjoyed tropical style BBQ lunch. After watching the tribal dancing, we had a chance to practice throwing boomerang and listened to the sound played by their musical instrument.

該區內有一塊小小的野生動物園,你可以就近與數量不多的袋鼠和無尾熊(樹熊)近距離拍照。之後搭乘二戰時期製造的水陸兩用軍車游熱帶雨林, 欣賞體驗熱帶雨林的生態平衡, 見到珍貴的Ulysses蝴蝶, 蛇, 變色龍, 鰻魚, 烏龜等。
In here you can find a small wild animal zoo, you can also get near to countless kangaroos and no-tailed bears. Then you will have a chance to ride WWII era naval/ground military vehicle through the rain forest, seeing Ulysses butterflies, snakes, color-changing dragons, etc.
然後我們乘搭7.5公里長天軌纜車在熱帶雨林上空觀光, 途中兩站可停留欣賞體驗熱帶雨林, 享巴倫瀑布景, 珊瑚海景, 山景。 A ride on skyrail of 7.5 km long will take you to high above the rain forest, enjoy waterfalls, sea and mountain views.

At night we shopped flea market in downtown. On the way back to the hotel on foot, we could hear loud wailing from countless of parrots and black bats perching on mango trees. You can pluck mangos along the way if you are not intimidated by the constant wailing in the dark street.

該區內有一塊小小的野生動物園,你可以就近與數量不多的袋鼠和無尾熊(樹熊)近距離拍照。之後搭乘二戰時期製造的水陸兩用軍車游熱帶雨林, 欣賞體驗熱帶雨林的生態平衡, 見到珍貴的Ulysses蝴蝶, 蛇, 變色龍, 鰻魚, 烏龜等。
In here you can find a small wild animal zoo, you can also get near to countless kangaroos and no-tailed bears. Then you will have a chance to ride WWII era naval/ground military vehicle through the rain forest, seeing Ulysses butterflies, snakes, color-changing dragons, etc.
然後我們乘搭7.5公里長天軌纜車在熱帶雨林上空觀光, 途中兩站可停留欣賞體驗熱帶雨林, 享巴倫瀑布景, 珊瑚海景, 山景。 A ride on skyrail of 7.5 km long will take you to high above the rain forest, enjoy waterfalls, sea and mountain views.

At night we shopped flea market in downtown. On the way back to the hotel on foot, we could hear loud wailing from countless of parrots and black bats perching on mango trees. You can pluck mangos along the way if you are not intimidated by the constant wailing in the dark street.