黄金海岸是澳州最大的海洋世界。我們乘船前往一條大河去抓小米蝦,然後用小米蝦去釣魚,再用魚餌來抓螃蟹。抓到了螃蟹、往熱鍋內煮它個十二分鐘,撈起擺上桌每人一大隻配麵包、沙拉及白葡蔔酒進食。這就是我們今天上午的行程。Gold Coast is where you can catch small shrimp-like creatures, and use them as bait to catch crabs.We each had a big crab, bread and wine for lunch.
漏網插曲﹕河川上突然飛來了好多海鳥、把大家似乎快釣到手的魚給搶走!Out of the blue, a bunch of birds snatched away our fish on hook before we had a chance to reach it.