
Update-最新網貼 (點擊以下或左邊任一項目進入觀賞)

*  2009 Aussie tour videos
*  抵達前夕---1 day before arrival in Sydney
*  雪梨第一天自由活動-----Sydney 1st day
*  雪梨大橋和蚌型歌劇院 Sydney
*  雪梨水族館---Sydney Aquarium
*  澳洲藍山國家公園Blue Mountain national park
*  雪梨市中心摩天高塔---Sydney Tower
*  參觀2000年雪梨奧運村---Sydney Olympic Town
*  墨爾本: 永恆之光---Melbourne: Shrine of Remembrance
*  墨爾本市內植物園---Melbourne Fitzroy Garden
*  墨爾本: 菲力浦島 / 企鵝島(Phillip Island)
*  釣鱒魚和午宴 Tuki Trout Farm and Lunch
*  大洋路(十二門徒石) Great Ocean Road (Twelve Apostles)
*  墨爾本﹕ 淘金之旅 Melbourne---Gold Mine Tour
*  澳洲古蘭度原住民村﹔ Cairns--- Kuranda Village
*  大堡礁---海底機車漫遊: Cairns---Great Barrier Reef 1 of 2
*  大堡礁---海底世界: Cairns---Great Barrier Reef 2 of 2
*  布里斯本﹕ Brisbane
*  逛布里斯本市中心﹕ Brisbane City Tour
*  黃金海岸---天堂之鄉 Gold Coast---"Paradise Country" Farm Tour
*  黃金海岸---出海捉螃蟹﹕ Gold Coast---Tweed Endeavour Cruise
*  袋鼠與無尾熊---Kangaroos and Koala
*  黃金海岸---鄉村牧場之旅Gold Coast---Farm Tour
*  布里斯本﹕ 參觀剃羊毛表演Brisbane: Sheep sheering show
*  返回雪梨﹕ Back to Sydney
*  攀登雪梨大橋: Harbor Bridge climbing
*  雪梨漁人碼頭海鮮批發場:  Sydney fisherman waft
*  雪梨「達令」港口: Sydney Darin Harbor
*  雪梨奧運排球沙灘 :  Sydney Bondi Beach
*  燒烤餞別聚餐---Good Bye Sydney


雪梨第一天自由活動-----Sydney 1st day

10月19日,飛機於早上7:30分抵達。各人順利通關及領取行李後,南、北加州隊伍於雪梨機場會合,代表雪梨的吳建立及黃樹坤機場相迎。全團由包車接往下榻City Gate酒店。
San Francisco group arrived at 7:30AM and Los Angeles friends landed a half hour later.  Lap Ngo and Huynh Tho Khon met the two groups at Sydney airport.  All embarked a rental bus heading City Gate hotel

On the first day of arrival, there wasn’t guided tour service provided by the travel agency since the local tour would start on the second day.  Local friend Ronald Cheng and wife Sarah led us sightseeing the city on foot; we all enjoyed Malaysian food for lunch at the food court in a shopping mall afterward.

good friend Truong Tuyet Phuong, a licensed Chinese medicine doctor, at her clinic in downtown Sydney.  Haven’t  seen each other for more than three decades, we were so delighted to chat and enjoy her “leung cha” she retrieved from the cooler to dissolve any “virus” we carried over from the U.S.

晚上由吳建立夫婦作東,在「達令」港口一家著名的法國餐廳"Little Snail"包下整個二樓,宴請加州來和本地的全部同學共同聚餐。十分熱鬧。法式料理---當然少不了紅酒和「蝸牛」及其他都很捧除了那道不敢恭惟的「袋鼠肉」之外。
At night Lap Ngo couple treated the U.S friends and some MV locals a fancy meal at a splendid French restaurant, named “Little Snail.”  We had a good time and enjoyed a fantastic dinner, further enlightened with find wine.  The atmosphere was incredibly pleasant and joyous. 

抵達前夕---1 day before arrival in Sydney

Our group leader, Van Ly, arrived at Sydney one day early, welcome by local friends Lap Ngo and Huynh Tho Khon at the airport, to lead the first of several get together reunions of former Minh Vien High School class of 1974 along the Aussie tour.

雪梨大橋和蚌型歌劇院 Sydney

10月20日一大清早當地的導遊來接團前往第一站---雪梨著名的「蚌型歌劇院」及雪梨大橋。來到了澳洲 雪梨大橋和雪梨歌劇院絕對是一個 MUST VISIT scenery SPOT
Oct/20, we were led by our tour guide to visit the first stop at Sydney’s Opera-House, followed by the Harbor Bridge, both are tourists’ must visit spots.


這「歌劇院」真是美侖美奐,大家照了很多相片。We took a lot of pictures at this beautiful Opera-House surrounding.

At Sydney’s aquarium, the local tour guide led us to see the half-fish half-beast weird creature that attracts tourists from all over the world. Did you see it?

雪梨水族館---Sydney Aquarium

This underwater aquarium, wide and shinny, enclosed in thick oval shape glass, provides the tourist a perfect spot to view all sorts of interesting looking fish and turtles. The entrance fee is reasonably inexpensive---AU $10

An Aussie “Mr.alligator” trainer was reported punctured to death by the “monster” fish a couple of years ago. Did you see it?

Followed by a visit to a well known old cathedral, then fisherman waft (check dictionary) for lobster dinner.

澳洲藍山國家公園Blue Mountain national park

澳洲藍山國家公園 Aussie Blue Mountain national park museum literary


Blue Mountain national park was categorized as one of the world heritages in year 2000.  The name is derived from the blue image enveloping the mountain by sunrays projecting through a layer of oily steam secreted by Aussie Eucalyptus trees.

三姐妹岩是藍山最聞名的名勝藍山內藏有許多古老的營地,斧頭刻出來的條紋,石頭雕刻,石頭做的生活器具都一一出土。今天,這些保留下來的文化遺產都被完整的保留在藍山裏。The well known Three-Sister rocks can be seen at the Blue Mountain.  Stashed away in the mountain, you can see all sorts of antiques along with engraved rocks


Great Western Highway出發,一路上還會經過藍山的標志就是三姐妹峰 相傳在很久以前有三位美貌的姐妹分別叫做 "靡愛倪", "溫拉" "甘妮杜"。這三位姐妹出生在Katoomba部落,很不幸的是他們三人同時愛上了山下Nepean族兄弟三人。這是有違異族縮怨與規矩,不被父輩首肯, 後來因為他們的戀情而引爆了兩族的戰爭。當時有一位巫師為了保護三姐妹免受戰爭的威脅就把她們變成石頭。然而最後巫師卻戰死,剩下守山谷的三姐妹岩,因此三姐妹岩成了藍山最聞名的名勝。藍山裏三座岩石分別為922公尺,918公尺和906公尺。

To climb the Blue Mountain, one can start from the Great Western Highway, en route the Three-Sister trademark can be seen.  The legendry tells that once upon a time there were three sisters named xxx, yyy, zzz, born in Katoomba tribe, who fell in love with three brothers from another tribe Nepean.  Romance as such violated tribal regulations of both sides and subsequently induced battles between the two tribes.  A witch came to the sisters rescue by transforming her into three giant rocks of 922m, 918m and 906m tall. After the witch died in the battle, these rocks remain there to guard the mountain, and become well known together with the Blue Mountain.

雪梨市中心摩天高塔---Sydney Tower

看完了Sydney Aquarium,就到雪梨最高的Sydney Tower看show以及在最頂端上的旋轉式塔樓餐廳內供應的「自助餐」用午飯。
After aquarium visit, we went to Sydney Tower to see a show, then enjoyed a lunch on a revolving floor on the building top.

Return to the hotel at dusk, our friend Hong, local Chinese school principal, delivered two cases of Qua-Na (tropical fruit) for everyone to enjoy as a mid-night snack.

參觀2000年雪梨奧運村---Sydney Olympic Town

We had lunch at a Chinese restaurant located at the foot hill, followed by a visit to the year 2000 Olympic village held in Australia.


Back to our hotel at night, we all enjoyed the remaining tropical fruit Qua-Na provided by our friend Hong and sweet mangos delivered by Trinh Hai at the hotel lobby…yum yum…

墨爾本: 永恆之光---Melbourne: Shrine of Remembrance

St. Patrick Cathedrel 是座有名的古老天主教堂。附近的「紀念永恆光芒」的戰士紀念館很特別!Well known Roman Catholic St. Patrick Cathedral.  Nearby is martyr hall.

午餐後前往企鵝島出發。途經一處當地有名的「巧克力」製造工廠 (Pannys)。當然也滿足了我們一些「巧克力狂」的隊友。After lunch we headed penguin island.  En route we stopped by a chocolate store to satisfy our chocolate crazed teammates.